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sabato 10 agosto 2024

Does globalization damage or enrich the culture of a nation?

An open invitation to say: What is your opinion?

5 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...
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Miguel Atanet ha detto...

Spain was the country that started globalisation 523 years ago. The result is very positive. Today we are a community of 600 million people who share a common language and culture.

Kamela Gishti ha detto...

Globalizimi ka veshtiresite e veta ne opinionin tim. Por kjo e pare ne kendveshtrim afatshkurter. Ne kendveshtrim afatgjate, kufijte e hapur, ku cdo njeri gjen vehten, ka perfitime , pasi njerezit do te bashkejetojne me te njejten kulture dhe me te njejten gjuhe. Ne planin politik, ndoshta kjo duket edhe kolonializim. Ketu ka vend per diskutim te gjere. Liza, te pershendes. Eshte nje pyetje shume e gjere dhe e bukur! 🤗🤗🤗

Luiza Hoxhaj ha detto...

Thank you so much my dar friend Miguel Atanet!

Luiza Hoxhaj ha detto...

Faleminderit Kamela. E vleresoj mendimin tuaj!