English version
As often happens, novels better reflect the new situation. The comic novel of the Russian émigré writer Gary Shteyngart, "The Story of True and Very Sad Love", illustrates well what we can expect. Set in the near future, the story takes place in an apocalyptic scenario, which sees the US on the brink of financial ruin and mono-party dictatorship, involved in the hundredth and useless military adventure abroad - this time in Venezuela.
The jobs within the society are developed by specialized immigrants, the Ivy League University adapts the names of the Asian part to survive, the economy depends directly on the Chinese Central Bank and "US dollars anchored to the yen" make up the common currency as a safe asset.
Sic shpesh ndodh romanet reflektojne me mire gjendjen e re. Romani komik i shkrimtarit rus te emigruar Gary Shteyngart, “Historia e dashurise se vertete dhe shume te trishtuar”, ilustron mire ate, qe ne mund te presim. I pershtatur ne te ardhmen e ardheshme, historia zhvillohet ne nje skenar apokaliptik, qe i sheh SHBA mbi greminen e shkaterrimit financiar dhe te diktatures monopartiake, te perfshire ne te njeqinden dhe te padobishmen aventure ushtarake me jashte-kete here ne Venezuele.
Punet brenda shoqerise zhvillohen nga emigrante te
specializuar, Universiteti Ivy League adapton emra te pjeses aziatike per te
mbijetuar, ekonomia varet direkt nga Banka Qendrore kineze dhe “dollaret
amerikane te ankoruar ndaj jenit” perbejne valuten e perbashket si aset te
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