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martedì 26 maggio 2015

There comes a day when dreams come true - Vjen nje dite qe endrrat behen realitet

I felt a very special pleasure to see after 11 years, that a process of living one of my dreams for Berat has started, one of those things whose non-realization remains as a hostage. It is about the Osum river cascade systemization project. It was a project conceived only a short time after we had reintroduced the dusty file for the inclusion of Beratiti in the protected values ​​of cultural heritage (now Berati in UNESCO is a reality), after we had drawn up the regulations for the administration of the museum city. It was the work of an extremely dedicated staff, eager for ideas, which it was enough to know how to motivate. When I think of them, I think of how many battles we waged together to protect that city: from the biters of Mount Tomor, who barbarically exploited the tile area, from those who sold the water of Berat, with those who used the inerts without criteria, with those who under the guise of electrical plants wanted to cover the three districts with garbage, with those who wanted to build outside the criteria in the museum area, with the barbarians of the quarries in Ure Vjagurore. We did a lot of beautiful and useful work with that staff. My thanks go to the then staff of the Berat District Prefect: Irakliu full of ideas, Aliu, Koci, Kristaq, Natasha, Juli, Halim, Venetic, Monika, Mariola, Halim, Bashkimi, Tomor, Mirela, Mondi, Tom and Nikollen. Together, let's wish success to Juli, the youngest member of our staff at that time, who today, professionally grown, is running for the position of Mayor of Ure Vajgurore. I envy you that you live and work in that city. Congratulations go to the wonderful citizens of Berat, who rarely knew how to preserve the values ​​of their city. Finally, a Prime Minister assists in the first step, the selection of the idea for a beautiful project, in launching the process of making a project a reality, which has value not only for the aesthetic and functional side of the city, but will surely it also has ecological values, environmental protection and compatibility with the multiple values ​​of that city.

A city like Berat makes you proud! I really wish to win the best and most sustainable project, because otherwise it would be zero. Although I am not from Berat, but in my heart I feel a citizen of Berat, (I am borrowing my words from my interview given to the Antipratrea newspaper, where he also mentioned the mortgage of the cascade project) I thank Prime Minister Rama very much for this step. I am really very happy! I really hope that this project will justify this joy! The opposite would be fatal!


Luiza Hoxhaj


Ndjeja nje kenaqesi teper e vecante te shihja mbas 11 vjetesh, qe ka nisur nje proces i jetesimit i nje nga endrrave te mia per Beratin, e nje prej atyre gjerave mosrealizimi i te ciles te mbetet si peng. Behet fjale per projektin e sistemimit te kaskades se lumit Osum. Ishte nje projekt i ideuar vetem pak kohe mbasi kishim rifutur ne proces dosjen e pluhurosur per perfshirjen e Beratiti ne vlerat e mbrojtura te trashegimise kulturore (tashme Berati ne UNESCO eshte nje realitet), mbasi kishim hartuar rregulloren e administrimit te qytetit muze. Ishte puna e nje stafi teper te perkushtuar, te etur per ide, te cilin mjaftonte te dije ta motivoje. Kur i kaloj neper mend mendoj eh sa shume beteja kemi zhvilluar se bashku per ta mbrojtur ate qytet: nga kafshuesit e malit Tomor, qe i shfrytezonin barbarisht zonen e pllakave, nga ata qe shisnin ujin e Beratit, me ata qe shfrytezonin pa kritere inertet, me ata qe nen masken e impianteve elektrik donin ti mbulonin tre qarqet me plehra, me ata qe donin te ndertonin jashte kritereve ne zonen muzeale, me barbaret e guroreve ne Uren Vjagurore. Me ate staf kemi bere shume pune te bukura e te dobishme. Falenderimi im shkon per stafin e atehershem te Prefektes se Qarkut Berat: Irakliun plot ide, Aliun, Kocin, Kristaqin, Natashen, Julin, Halimin, Venetikun, Moniken, Mariolen, Halimin, Bashkimin, Tomorin, Mirelen, Mondin, Tomin e Nikollen. Bashkarisht le ti urojme suksese Julit, anetares me te re te stafit tone ne ate kohe, e cila sot e rritur profesionalisht, kandidon per postin Kryetares se Bashkise se Ures Vajgurore.  Ju kam zili qe jetoni e punoni ne ate qytet. Urimi shkon per beratasit e mrekullueshem, te cilet si rrallekush kane ditur te konservojne vlerat e qytetit te tyre. Me ne fund nje Kryeminister asiston ne hapin e pare, perzgjedhjen e idese per nje projekt te bukur, ne lancimin e procesit te berjes realitet te nje projekti, i cili ka vlera jo vetem per anen estetike dhe funksionale te qytetit, por me siguri do te kete edhe vlera ekologjike, te mbrojtjes se ambjentit dhe te pershtateshmerise me vlerat e shumefishta te atij qyteti.

Nje qytet si Berati te ben krenar! Uroj shume qe te fitoj projekti me i mire dhe me i qendrueshem, sepse ne te kundert do te ishte nul. Une megjithese nuk jam Beratase, por ne shpirt ndihem qytetare beratase, (po huazoj fjalet e mia nga intervista ime dhene per gazeten Antipratrea, ku permende edhe pengun e projektit te kaskades) e falenderoj shume Kryeministrin Rama per kete hap. Jam vertete shume e gezuar! Shpresoj shume qe ky projekt ta justifikoj kete gezim! E kunderta do te ishte fatale!

Luiza Hoxhaj


1 commento:

Brunilda Resulaj ha detto...

..ka pak njerez si ty ...!.
Prandaj dhe endrat ne shumicen e rasteve ngelen endra. ..uroj te shtohen njerzit qe punojne si ju ,qe ti prekim endrat e bukura ..