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lunedì 4 maggio 2015

Should citizens be asked about city governance? - A duhet te pyeten qytetaret per qeverisjen e qytetit!

From the moment the contract is signed, the obligations have started Endri! What about the advisers of both sides, did you have any different opinion? Strange! There has been a united fist around the concession! Vlora has experiences when all the councilors have joined together for issues related to the interest of the city and the citizens (I would remember the issue of the behavior for the burning of waste from Italy, It was precisely the left and right councilors who stopped a project not useful). The first element in these cases is transparency. When it lacks taste, it is certainly not positive. The study is done once, the public is consulted, then the concession is tendered!

Where does governance differ from rule?

Nga momenti qe kontrata eshte firmosur detyrimet kane filluar Endri! Po nga keshilltaret e te dy kaheve, spati asnje mendim ndryshe? E cuditeshme! Paskan qene grusht bashkuar rreth koncesionit!. Vlora ka eksperienca kur per ceshtje qe kane te bejne me interesin e qytetit dhe qytetareve jane bashkuar te gjithe keshilltaret (do te kujtoja ceshtjen e sjelljes per diegie te mbeturinave nga Italia, Ishin pikerisht keshilltaret e majte edhe te djathte, ata qe e frenuan nje projekt jo te dobishem). Elementi i pare ne keto raste eshte trasparenca. Kur ajo mungon shija, sigurisht qe nuk eshte pozitive. Behet njehere studimi konsultohet me publikun pastaj tenderimi i koncesionit!
Ku ndryshon qeverisja nga sundimi?

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