Liria eshte si deti. Nuk mund te jete e mbyllur dhe si deti nje njeri i lire eshte perhere i tille. (Humbert du Charbon) Ne se vendosni te jeni te lire, ju nevojitet vetem nje gje: kurajo per te qene vertet te tille.
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giovedì 24 dicembre 2015
lunedì 7 dicembre 2015
All rights for all" -Të gjitha të drejtat për të gjithë”
Discussion by Luiza Hoxhaj in Conference on:
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights-All rights
for all"
December 10, 1998
Dear participants!
First of all, I would like to greet the organizers of the
Conference, the Women and Family Committee, the Project "Promoting the
Economic and Social Status of Women in Albania" and the "International
Training Center in Turin of the International Labor Organization" who
chose Vlora as the city in which this conference is being organized. Of course,
the Prefecture and the Municipality of Vlora deserve congratulations for their
I find the selection you made appropriate, in which you obviously
took into consideration the democratic traditions of these three, in its
distant and recent history.
But Vlora currently, like the whole of Albania, has faced and is
facing the problems of the prolonged transition as well as those of the
post-crisis, which unfortunately also create problems in the field of human
This transition period, in addition to the expansion of some human rights or
the further completion of our legislation in the field of human rights, these
steps, which have favored social progress, has also had as their phenomenon the
systematic violation of the rights of to man, such as: the right to assemble,
the right to be treated with credit, various favors, the basic right to vote,
physical violence against journalists or politicians, free movement, etc. These
cases, when they have reached their peak, have forced citizens to use the last
weapon of civil disobedience, against a regime that does not protect human
rights, on the contrary, it violates them.
I said this not to politicize the problem, but to serve this
moment as a moment of awareness and awareness for the human rights that we
enjoy as individuals and for the efforts that we must make to protect these
rights, but also also for the state's obligations to ensure and guarantee these
rights, which the law gives us, with the sole objective of not falling into a
similar situation. Here I have in mind the first paragraph of the introduction
to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "..that the
recognition of the dignity that belongs to all members of the human family as
well as the recognition of their equal and inalienable rights constitutes the
foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world".
All international documents on human rights, as well as
international documents and conventions, place us in front of the obligation
for everyone to fight and work to build a state where the law reigns and where
we are all equal before the law.
The truth is that, in general, our legislation in this regard is
complete. In order to realize its implementation in the conditions of the
development of civil society, non-governmental associations were born.
In the field of human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a
point of reference.
Taking into consideration the fact that the development of this
Conference coincides with the seminar developed for the training of Volonian
women in the field of implementation of the rights of women and girls in
Albania, I would focus on the field of the situation of Volonian women and the
level of organization of her in the NGO.
The development of civil society and the democratic transition are closely
related to the success of women's participation in dealing with its problems.
As was seen from the presentations that were made by them during the seminar,
what is most important, as was also seen during their activity, we can say
that: In Vlora, the women's movement is in full bloom.
Vlonia women have well understood the principle of participation,
the principle of being active. They have all the necessary intellectual
potential to make their contribution in all spheres of life, in the new
conditions of transition from a closed society to an open society, from
totalitarianism to democracy.
But it is true that they have not always had the opportunity to
make this contribution in state bodies, such as in the high or local
administration, in decision-making or executive bodies.
This difference between their intellectual potential and the
impossibility to give their contribution in some cases, due to various
obstacles or undervaluation, they have compensated with the principle of
volunteerism, by organizing themselves in non-governmental organizations. Today
in Vlora we have 8 professional women's NGOs, operating in various fields, as
well as 5 women's political associations.
The Family Planning Center also operates in Vlora. All these
organizations are active in the development of the life of our city. Here we
must not forget the contribution and participation of women in other mixed
associations (without gender orientation) such as SH.K.L. Democratic, the
associations that have the protection of human rights or even professional
The first flower is the Women's Business Promotion Association
established in 1994, which is already an experienced association. During the
years 1997-1998, this was followed by 8 other NGOs, which were integrated with
The fruit of this commitment of women from Vlonia is the fact that
today in our city we have a number of women and girls leaders, this number,
although modest, shows a trend in the positive direction for their evaluation.
- We have a woman representative in the legislature; in the local
councils we have: two councilors in the Municipal Council and two councilors in
the District Council; in the management of financial institutions, we have two
women managers (Mrs. Soq and Insig); we have a director in medicine; at the
University of Vlora we have two women deans; in the only SME Development Agency,
the director is a woman.
But if we make these calculations in relation to men, the numbers
are still modest. This means we still have a long way to go. In the future, our
objectives must be more ambitious.
Another point that I would like to emphasize is the woman's
confrontation with phenomena such as divorce or prostitution.
Often economic problems, unemployment, this is more pronounced for
women, stripping her in most cases of the elements of ownership, have caused
her to lose her economic independence and therefore part of her authority to
have influential role in the family in the best case, but also in the
dissolution of the family in the worst case. This inferior position of hers has
meant that in most cases she is not the applicant for this divorce even when
her life becomes unbearable. This is clearly shown by the fact that the number
of divorces requested by women is decreasing.
Often, the inability to cope with life, as well as the low
intellectual level, or individual predisposition, or the inability to face
criminal groups, leads some women and girls to the path of prostitution. In the
case of Vlora, the mentality of its population in relation to the woman in the
family: the protective role in relation to the mother, daughter or sister,
adding to this the economic level, reduces the premises for the Vlora woman or
girl to fall into the network of prostitution. But that doesn't mean we
shouldn't be concerned about it. Our struggle and efforts must be of such a
level that we do not even allow the possibility of Vlora being a transit point
for the export of prostitution for girls and women from the province or other
countries. Vlonian mothers and daughters, Vlonian families must be strongly
invested so that their sons, brothers and husbands do not fall asleep and
become collaborators of these networks.
We all together can manage to fight, protect and realize our
rights in particular and human rights in general.
Thank you for your attention!
martedì 27 ottobre 2015
lunedì 26 ottobre 2015
martedì 26 maggio 2015
There comes a day when dreams come true - Vjen nje dite qe endrrat behen realitet
I felt a very special pleasure to see after 11 years, that a process of
living one of my dreams for Berat has started, one of those things whose
non-realization remains as a hostage. It is about the Osum river cascade
systemization project. It was a project conceived only a short time after we
had reintroduced the dusty file for the inclusion of Beratiti in the protected
values of cultural heritage (now Berati in UNESCO is a reality), after we had
drawn up the regulations for the administration of the museum city. It was the
work of an extremely dedicated staff, eager for ideas, which it was enough to
know how to motivate. When I think of them, I think of how many battles we
waged together to protect that city: from the biters of Mount Tomor, who barbarically
exploited the tile area, from those who sold the water of Berat, with those who
used the inerts without criteria, with those who under the guise of electrical
plants wanted to cover the three districts with garbage, with those who wanted
to build outside the criteria in the museum area, with the barbarians of the
quarries in Ure Vjagurore. We did a lot of beautiful and useful work with that
staff. My thanks go to the then staff of the Berat District Prefect: Irakliu
full of ideas, Aliu, Koci, Kristaq, Natasha, Juli, Halim, Venetic, Monika,
Mariola, Halim, Bashkimi, Tomor, Mirela, Mondi, Tom and Nikollen. Together,
let's wish success to Juli, the youngest member of our staff at that time, who
today, professionally grown, is running for the position of Mayor of Ure
Vajgurore. I envy you that you live and work in that city. Congratulations go
to the wonderful citizens of Berat, who rarely knew how to preserve the values
of their city. Finally, a Prime Minister assists in the first step, the
selection of the idea for a beautiful project, in launching the process of
making a project a reality, which has value not only for the aesthetic and
functional side of the city, but will surely it also has ecological values,
environmental protection and compatibility with the multiple values of that
A city like Berat makes you proud! I really wish to win the best and most
sustainable project, because otherwise it would be zero. Although I am not from
Berat, but in my heart I feel a citizen of Berat, (I am borrowing my words from
my interview given to the Antipratrea newspaper, where he also mentioned the
mortgage of the cascade project) I thank Prime Minister Rama very much for this
step. I am really very happy! I really hope that this project will justify this
joy! The opposite would be fatal!
Luiza Hoxhaj
Ndjeja nje kenaqesi teper e vecante te shihja mbas 11 vjetesh, qe ka
nisur nje proces i jetesimit i nje nga endrrave te mia per Beratin, e nje prej
atyre gjerave mosrealizimi i te ciles te mbetet si peng. Behet fjale per
projektin e sistemimit te kaskades se lumit Osum. Ishte nje projekt i ideuar
vetem pak kohe mbasi kishim rifutur ne proces dosjen e pluhurosur per perfshirjen
e Beratiti ne vlerat e mbrojtura te trashegimise kulturore (tashme Berati ne
UNESCO eshte nje realitet), mbasi kishim hartuar rregulloren e administrimit te
qytetit muze. Ishte puna e nje stafi teper te perkushtuar, te etur per ide, te
cilin mjaftonte te dije ta motivoje. Kur i kaloj neper mend mendoj eh sa shume
beteja kemi zhvilluar se bashku per ta mbrojtur ate qytet: nga kafshuesit e
malit Tomor, qe i shfrytezonin barbarisht zonen e pllakave, nga ata qe shisnin
ujin e Beratit, me ata qe shfrytezonin pa kritere inertet, me ata qe nen masken
e impianteve elektrik donin ti mbulonin tre qarqet me plehra, me ata qe donin
te ndertonin jashte kritereve ne zonen muzeale, me barbaret e guroreve ne Uren
Vjagurore. Me ate staf kemi bere shume pune te bukura e te dobishme.
Falenderimi im shkon per stafin e atehershem te Prefektes se Qarkut Berat:
Irakliun plot ide, Aliun, Kocin, Kristaqin, Natashen, Julin, Halimin,
Venetikun, Moniken, Mariolen, Halimin, Bashkimin, Tomorin, Mirelen, Mondin,
Tomin e Nikollen. Bashkarisht le ti urojme suksese Julit, anetares me te re te
stafit tone ne ate kohe, e cila sot e rritur profesionalisht, kandidon per
postin Kryetares se Bashkise se Ures Vajgurore. Ju kam zili qe jetoni e
punoni ne ate qytet. Urimi shkon per beratasit e mrekullueshem, te cilet si
rrallekush kane ditur te konservojne vlerat e qytetit te tyre. Me ne fund nje
Kryeminister asiston ne hapin e pare, perzgjedhjen e idese per nje projekt te
bukur, ne lancimin e procesit te berjes realitet te nje projekti, i cili ka
vlera jo vetem per anen estetike dhe funksionale te qytetit, por me siguri do
te kete edhe vlera ekologjike, te mbrojtjes se ambjentit dhe te
pershtateshmerise me vlerat e shumefishta te atij qyteti.
Nje qytet si Berati te ben krenar! Uroj shume qe te fitoj projekti me i mire dhe me i qendrueshem, sepse ne te kundert do te ishte nul. Une megjithese nuk jam Beratase, por ne shpirt ndihem qytetare beratase, (po huazoj fjalet e mia nga intervista ime dhene per gazeten Antipratrea, ku permende edhe pengun e projektit te kaskades) e falenderoj shume Kryeministrin Rama per kete hap. Jam vertete shume e gezuar! Shpresoj shume qe ky projekt ta justifikoj kete gezim! E kunderta do te ishte fatale!
Luiza Hoxhaj
sabato 23 maggio 2015
Architecture and culture of participation as a development binomial - Arkitektura dhe kultura e pjesemarrjes si nje binom zhvillimi
"Architecture is too important to be left to
architects alone".
sentence of De Carlo came to my mind while following the news about the meeting
of the candidate for mayor of Vlora, Mr. Dritan Leli, with the architects and
engineers of the city. This kind of collaboration clearly embodies his vision
to engage the world of urban planners and architects, through a discussion to
identify how to work together with those who share the same sense of
responsibility for the opportunities and challenges of our cities today.
In this
article I am trying to bring attention to the fact that the city is an evolving
creature that can be organized without being recreated from scratch. It can be
improved with better technology, becoming more efficient. Our cities still have
a lot of potential. The work should focus on urban improvements, interventions
from micro to macro scale and, of course, on new types of sustainable
buildings. Today it must include energy producers, infrastructure, consumption
points, housing, the city, the landscape... Architects must know how to manage
the earth's resources to build a better city, instead of focusing only on
buildings. isolated, which do not contribute to the improvement of the
environment around them. Construction is not an isolated island, as it turns
out so far. Leaders of new units should try to develop the mentality of
managing cities, turning them from static units into dynamic and efficient
units that draw on the energy of their communities, to have a cooperative,
energetic, social and conscious community. for Environment. We must be looking
for new architectural and urban solutions that will reduce our contribution to
global pollution
Of course,
the challenge of cities, including our beautiful Vlora, cannot be met only by
architects, urban planners or builders. Our cities are going through a special
phase, which, in order to bring their development from spontaneity to
sustainability, necessarily requires the participation of citizens in the
territorial planning process.
Why is this
phase of the development of our cities classified separately?
First at
the national level: The phase that is now in progress, in almost every city,
also dictated by the territorial reform, is classified as the phase of
"urban decentralization" or "urban distribution." The
previous pattern of urbanization through progressive expansion towards
concentric rings is in crisis. Thus ends the period of narrowing of spaces,
investment in the suburbs and the remaining strips of cities, where it becomes
more and more difficult to meet the demand for space for factories, for
warehouses, for settlements, for the traffic that the city generates, for car
parks, for green areas and for collective services. In this aspect, the
advantages of the previous phase, related to the peripheral areas, also tend to
fade, due to the improvement, to some extent, of the road network , narrowing
the differences in travel time and cost within suburban areas as well as
intercity, regional or even between neighboring regions.With the increase of
residents with good incomes, their demand for higher quality of the environment
increases, which urban neighborhoods and the surroundings find it impossible to
fulfill it. Therefore, the production and residential facilities are reoriented
at this stage in the smaller cities, physically separated from the first ones,
forming, with the big cities, large "metropolitan" areas, it is meant
by building the continuity in the direction of the outer perimeter of the
center "metropolitan". Outside this perimeter, the availability of
space is greater, local transport easier, but also the conditions of the urban context
and the environment in general are more attractive.
Second on
the global level: This moment of change on the national level coincides with a
global historical moment, where on the one hand we live a global crisis and on
the o ther hand we "go global", eliminating space and time through
the iPhone, iPad and other technological developments. At this moment many
individuals try to take control of their time and space. We are increasingly
witnessing the processes of increasing interventions, of citizens, in their
cities, where they, driven by the desire to produce an alternative different
from what the city offers them, feel the need to (re)define the space. This, of
course, is where architecture comes into play.
architect, when planning, firstly studies the context to understand the
environment and the physical space of a territory, secondly researches the
relationships between the people who live in that space, their desires, their
dreams. He needs some indicators as well as the answers that the city gives to
the citizens for their problems. Calvino in the work "Invisible
Cities" wrote: "Even the cities believe that they are the work of the
mind or chance, but neither one nor the other is enough to keep their walls. In
a city we are not happy with seven or seventy seven wonders, but the answer he
gives to our questions". Today more than ever we need to reclaim place,
space, time, human relationships and respond to this need through the
contemporary culture of co-design. This is the true architecture that can solve
the crisis that has gripped our cities, occurring exactly as in the situation
in which Calvino describes (imagines) OLINDAN (Invisible Cities): "OLINDA
is certainly not the only city that grows in concentric circles, like the tree
trunk that every year adds a circle... But in other cities the spaces are still
squeezed and narrowed between the walls of the old city, while the new
neighborhoods revolve around them like a looser belt". This is the trap
from which they are needed save our cities.
How is this
accomplished? Designing places and spaces not only and exclusively with a
pencil or mouse, with structures and mathematical calculations, but with any
tool or instrument that can be used to create a system of networks, both multimedia
and physical, made of people and human relationships . This translates into a
willingness to invest in the culture of bottom-up development through inclusion
and participation. In the world there are many examples that have followed this
path, where thanks to the foresight of an individual and the participation of
the whole community, a terrain has been completely transformed, "inventing
new ways of thinking, living and inhabiting". . So the need and desire to
challenge yourself and give life to an abandoned area, mainly on the outskirts
of our cities, invites every individual with ideas to participate. Of course,
cultural processes are, by nature, an investment in the community and need to
be made productive. I invite citizens and the young generation to reflect and
actively participate in the decisions and initiatives that affect the
transformation of their territory, their spaces. On the other hand, it is
necessary for the local administration to get out of the institutional norms
and bureaucracies to open up to a real confrontation with those who live in the
countryside and in the city to stop the fruitless planning of financing at the
last moment that has characterized the 25 years of last.
It is right
to ask ourselves what is and what should the city be for us? With an optimistic
view, perhaps the true meaning can be this: A livable city, a sustainable city,
not an invisible city. My interest in the sustainable city began when I was a
student at the University of Padua, the year in which Padua was declared the
most livable city in Italy. That's when I realized that we need to improve
people's lives, making our cities more livable. I tried to make my own
interpretation of sustainability, having as a reference the concept of the
cultural landscape in all its forms. Sustainability equates to something
simple, healthy, clean: a way to make a public space more adaptable, taking
care of the environment in which we are planning. Here comes the concept of
sustainable architecture, as architecture with common sense, in the form of
everyday architecture, which is typical of the buildings of a certain place
that is always adapted in the best way to the surrounding context, the
availability of raw materials and weather conditions. Based on the best
experiences, I believe that sustainability should become part of the compulsory
program in our school. Of course, it should be included, also as a subject of
study in universities. Ultimately, sustainability affects us all, although
perhaps most people do not consider it a real problem, conditioning our present
and future. Many think that "it's not about me, it's not my
responsibility, it will affect someone else." In fact the opposite is
true: our cities and buildings affect us, affect the environment, affect the
planet. Sustainability will become a widely accepted concept only when schools
and universities are able to provide the means to overcome this mentality. A
consistent approach is always a positive stimulus.
In short,
to create a sustainable and efficient city we must act to improve its
"performance" and to realize a combination that results in positive
indicators of the use of the city's basic resources: energy, materials, land
and water. How these are combined determines the types of urban strategies for
a better and more efficient city. Only with a sustainable urban project can
dynamic cities be created, where the environment is the focus of the citizens.
The users of cities are an important asset to succeed in building a sustainable
city. We need to cultivate participation to make the users of the city active
and to involve them in increasing their well-being. The community must be given
sufficient tools and information to achieve a stable environment, without which
its members are forced to make drastic changes in their daily lives. In new,
smart municipalities, information must flow and be accessible to all, as public
participation is a key tool.
With active participation we can have a better user-created architecture and future, both for the community and the city. Social participation is one of the three aspects that define a sustainable approach. The other two are economy and ecology. From my perspective, these are two aspects of the same idea that often don't work together, even when they should. Although the participation of citizens is a very important point, often in large projects more weight is given to the architectural firm that developed them. It is a moment for reflection and building a long-term vision for the development of the territory. I would like to think that, for young people and inventors, this is a good moment to realize their ideas, both in terms of creativity and the dynamics of participation, on the grounds that they are full of high-tech elements.
Luiza Hoxhaj
Tirana on 22/05/2015
Luiza Hoxhaj
Tirane me 22/05/2015